Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Grants and Contracts
Grants and Contracts
Grants and Contracts
Ongoing Grants
Albey, E., PI, "Chance constraint based production planning with dynamic capacity allocation", TUBITAK 2232.
Özener O. Ö., PI, “Cooperative Game Theory Approaches for Collaborative Dynamic Lot Sizing Problem”, pending approval from TUBITAK-1001 (co-PI: B. Altan, A. Ekici).
Kayış E., PI, "Daily Operating Room Planning With Sequence and Resources Dependent Stochastic Surgery Times", TUBITAK 3501 (CAREER), 02/2015-02/2019.
Kundakcıoğlu Ö. E., PI, "Inventory Management and Transshipment Policies for Drugs with No Annual Contract in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Planning Under Uncertainty", TUBITAK 3501, 9/2015 – 5/2019.
Past Grants
Balcik, B., PI, “Designing global humanitarian relief networks through local partnerships”, TUBITAK 2219, 10/2017 – 7/2018.
Balçık B., Researcher, “Stochastic Programming Models for the Post-disaster Relief Network Design Problem”, TÜBİTAK 3501 (PI: N. Noyan), 08/2012-07/2015.
Balçık B., PI, “Selective Routing Problems for Post-Disaster Needs Assessment: Models and Solution Methods”, TÜBİTAK 3501, 03/2014-09/2016.
Çoban Göktürk E., Consultant, “Workforce Management”, TÜBİTAK 1507, 3/2015-5/2016.
Duman E., Coordinator, “Resource planning and scheduling”, Teydeb 1507, 10/2014 – 3/2016.
Duman E., Coordinator, “Identifying fake Facebook profiles”, Teydeb 1507, 10/2014 – 3/2016.
Duman E., Coordinator, “Social Media CRM”, Teydeb 1501, 1/2014 – 12/2016.
Duman E., Consultant, “Internal fraud”, Teydeb 1501, 1/2014 - 6/2016.
Duman E., PI, "Profit-Driven Data Analytics: New Algorithms and Business Applications", TÜBİTAK, 8/2013-8/2015.
Duman E., Consultant, “Collection optimization”, Teydeb 1501, 6/2013 - 3/2015.
Duman E., Coordinator, “Store Locator”, Teydeb 1507, 4/2013 – 9/2014.
Duman E., Consultant, “ATM cash flow management and optimization”, Teydeb 1501, 1/2011 - 12/2013.
Duman E., Consultant, ”Development of a novel credit card fraud detection system”, Teydeb 1501, 5/2010 - 4/2012.
Duman E., Consultant, “Cross and up sell modeling for retail and SME customers”, Sekerbank, 12/2009-12/2011.
Duman E., Consultant, “Determination of customer lifetime value”, Denizbank, 9/2009 - 9/2011.
Duman E., Consultant, “Improving the parameters of a credit card fraud prevention system”, Yapi Kredi Bank, 1/2009 - 5/2009.
Duman E., PI, “Optimization of electronic assembly operations and the TSP with variable costs”, Tubitak 1001 (108M198), 11/2008 - 11/2010.
Duman E., Consultant, “Developing Basel II compliant internal rating based methods for economic capital calculation”, Denizbank-Dexia, 7/2008 - 3/2010.
Duman E., Consultant, “Development of a campaign optimization system”, Teydeb 1507, 5/2008 - 10/2009.
Duman E., Consultant, Developing behavioral scorecards for the risky products and customers in general, Denizbank, 1/2007 - 6/2009.
Duman E., Consultant, “Identifying the customers who are likely to churn”, Denizbank, 9/2006 - 3/2008.
Duman E., Consultant, “Improving marketing efficiency using predictive data mining models”, Denizbank, 5/2005 - 8/2006.
Duman E., Consultant, “Evaluating the new branch layout via simulation”, Yurtiçi Kargo, 1/2003 - 3/2003.
Ekici A., PI, "An Integrated Solution Approach for Inventory Routing Problem and Its Applications", TÜBİTAK 1001 (co-PI: O. Ö. Özener), 09/01/2015 – 09/01/2018.
Gunnec D., co-PI, "Post-disaster Logistics Planning for the City of Istanbul", Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (co-PI: Sibel Salman), 2006-2007.
Gunnec D., Researcher, "Stochastic Network Optimization Methods with Applications in Disaster Management", TUBITAK (PI: Sibel Salman), 2006-2007.
Kayış E., Consultant, "Product Pricing Optimization", TUBITAK 1507 (with Gtech), 04/2015-01/2016.
Kayış E., PI, "Healthcare Operations Analytics", Hewlett-Packard, 09/2012-08/2013.
Kundakcıoğlu Ö. E., Consultant, “MeVe: Supporting Tool for the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings Under IPMVP”, PI: MIR ARGE-SYLTEC-CARTIF, EUREKA, TUBITAK 1509, 8/2017-8/2018.
Özener O. Ö., PI, "Improving Blood Supply Management: Collection Scheduling and Donation Tailoring", TUBITAK 3501, 6/2013-6/2016 (co-PI: E. Çoban, co-PI: A. Ekici).
Özener O. Ö., PI, "Crew Pairing and Fleet Assignment Models at Turkish Airlines", TUBITAK 1001, 12/2010-5/2013 (co-PI: M. Matoğlu Örmeci, co-PI: G. Erdoğan, co-PI: H. Sözer).
Özener O. Ö., PI, "Improving inner city freight movements in Istanbul ", DHL, 2/2012-9/2012 (PI: B. Balçık, PI: P. Mengüç).
Özener O. Ö., co-PI, "Supply Chain Applications in Health Care Industry ", Eska Ecza, 1/2011-5/2011 (PI: M. Denizel, co-PI: M. Matoğlu Örmeci).Yanıkoğlu İ., PI, "Nonlinear Decision Rules", TUBITAK 2232, 9/2015-9/2017.