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- Coban, E., A. Heching, and A. Scheller-Wolf, Staffing of a Service Center with Cross-Trained Employees, Heterogenous Customers, and Quality Guarantees. Production and Operations Management, Available online, 2018.
- Özener, O. Ö., A. Ekici and E. Coban, Improving Blood Products Supply Through Donation Tailoring. Computers and Operations Research, Available online, 2018.
- Çankaya, E., A. Ekici, O. Ö. Özener. Humanitarian Relief Supplies Distribution: An Application of Inventory Routing Problem. Annals of Operations Research, Available online, 2018.
- Altan, B., O. Ö. Özener. Cost Allocation Mechanisms in a Peer-to-Peer Network. Networks, Available online, 2018.
- Özener, O. Ö., A. Ekici. Managing Platelet Supply Through Improved Routing of Blood Collection Vehicles. Computers and Operations Research, 98(1) 113-126, 2018.
- Ekici, A., O. Ö. Özener, E. Çoban. Research Opportunities in Blood Supply Chain Management. Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management. Springer. (Refereed), 2018.
- Gunnec, D., Demir, E. "Fair-Fixture: Minimizing Carry-Over Effects in Football Leagues", Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. Available online.
- Gursoy, F., Gunnec, D. "Influence Maximization in Social Networks under Deterministic Linear Threshold Model", Knowledge-Based Systems. 161, 111-123, 2018.
- Boz, Z., Gunnec, D., Birbil, I. and Ozturk, K. "Reassessment and Monitoring of Loan Applications with Machine Learning", Applied Artificial Intelligence. Available online.
- Yanıkoğlu, I., & Kuhn, D. Decision rule bounds for two-stage stochastic bilevel programs. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 28(1), pp. 198-222, 2018.
- Yanıkoğlu, İ., Gorissen, B. L., & den Hertog, D. A Survey of Adjustable Robust Optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, Available online.
- Yanikoglu, I. (2018). Selected Topics in Robust Optimization. In Optimization Techniques for Problem Solving in Uncertainty (pp. 140-166). IGI Global.
- Albey, E., Yanıkoğlu, İ., & Uzsoy, R. (2017, December). Load dependent lead time modelling: A robust optimization approach. In Simulation Conference (WSC), 2017 Winter (pp. 3531-3542). IEEE.
- Battarra, M., B. Balcik, H Xu. Disaster preparedness using risk-assessment methods from earthquake engineering. European Journal of Operational Research 269 (2), 423-435, 2018.
- Balcik, B., K. Smilowitz. Contributions to humanitarian and non-profit operations: equity impacts on modeling and solution approaches. Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering: Key Advances and Perspectives on Emerging Topics, Springer, forthcoming.
- Özener, O. Ö., M. Örmeci, G. Erdoğan, M. Haouari, H. Sozer. Solving a Large Scale Integrated Fleet Assignment and Crew Pairing Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 253 (1) 477-500, 2017.
- Özener, O. Ö. Solving the Integrated Shipment Routing Problem of a Less-than-truckload Carrier. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Available online, 2017.
- Albey, E., Bilge, Ü., and Uzsoy, R. Multi-Dimensional Clearing Functions for Aggregate Capacity Modeling in Multi-Stage Production Systems, International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming.
- Gunnec, D., Raghavan, S. "Integrating social network effects in the share-of-choice problem", Decision Sciences, 48, 1098-1131, 2017.
- Balcik, B. ”Site Selection and Vehicle Routing for Post-Disaster Rapid Needs Assessment”, Transportation Research Part E, 101, 30-58.
- Barshes N. R., Saedi S., Wrobel J., Kougias P., Kundakcioglu O. E., Armstrong D. G., “A model to estimate cost-savings in diabetic foot ulcer prevention efforts”, Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 700–707.
- Yanıkoğlu, İ., den Hertog, D., Kleijnen, J.P.C. "Robust Dual Response Optimization", IIE Transactions, vol. 48, no. 3, 298-312 (Best Paper in IIE Transactions: Operations Engineering & Analytics).
- Özener, O.Ö., Örmeci Matoglu, M., Erdoğan, G., Haouari, M., Sözer, H. “Solving a Large-Scale Integrated Fleet Assignment and Crew Pairing Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 1-24.
- Noyan N., Balcik, B. and Atakan, B. “A Stochastic Optimization Model for Designing Last Mile Relief Networks”, Transportation Science, 50 (3), 1092-1113.
- Önal M., Yenipazarli A., Kundakcioglu O. E., “A mathematical model for perishable products with price- and stock- dependent demand”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 102, pp. 246–258.
- Saedi S., Kundakcioglu O. E., Henry A. C., “Mitigating the impact of drug shortages for a healthcare facility: An inventory management approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 251, no. 1, pp. 107–123.
- Ekici, A., Altan, B., Ozener, O.O. ”Pricing decisions in a strategic single retailer/dual suppliers setting under order size constraints”, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1887-1898.
- Cire, A., Coban, E., and Hooker, J. N., “Logic-based Benders decomposition for planning and scheduling: A computational analysis”, Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 31, 440-451.
- Teksan, Z.M., J. Geunes. “Production Planning with Price-Dependent Supply Capacity”, IIE Transactions, 48(10):938-954.
- Teksan, Z.M., J. Geunes. “An EOQ Model with Price-Dependent Supply and Demand”, International Journal of Production Economics, 178:22–33.
- Balcik, B., Bozkir, C.D.C., Kundakcioglu, O.E. ”A literature review on inventory management in humanitarian supply chains”, Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 101–116, 2016.
- Erdoğan, G., M. Haouari, M. Örmeci, O.Ö. Özener. “Solving a large-scale crew pairing problem”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(10): 1742-1754.
- Mobasher, A., Ekici, A., Ozener, O.O. “Coordinating collection and appointment scheduling operations at the blood donation sites”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 87, pp. 260-266.
- Albey, E., Norouzi, A., Kempf, K. G., and Uzsoy, R. “Demand Modeling with Forecast Evolution: An Application to Production Planning with Chance Constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 28(3), 374-384.
- Bilge, Ü., Albey, E., Beşikçi, U., Erbatur, K., and Arslan, A. N. “Mathematical models for FMS loading and part type selection with flexible process plans”, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 9(2), 171-194.
- Ekici, A., Ozener, O.O., Kuyzu, G. “Cyclic delivery schedules for an inventory routing problem”, Transportation Science, 49(4) 817-829.
- Kayış, E., Khaniyev, T., Suermondt, J., Sylvester, K. “A Robust Estimation Model for Surgery Durations with Temporal, Operational, and Surgery Team Effects”, Health Care Management Science.
- Mahmoudi, N., Duman, E. ”Detecting Credit Card Fraud by Modified Fisher Discriminant Analysis”, Expert Systems with Applications.
- Gorissen, B., Yanıkoğlu, İ., den Hertog, D. “A Practical Guide to Robust Optimization”, OMEGA, 53, 124-137.
- Teksan, Z.M., J. Geunes. "A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Convex Cost Lot Sizing Problems." Operations Research Letters, 43(4):359–364.
- Albey, E., Bilge, Ü., and Uzsoy, R. An Exploratory Study of Disaggregated Clearing Functions for Production Systems with Multiple Products. International Journal of Production Research, 52(18), 5301-5322.
- Kang, Y., Albey, E., Hwang, S., and Uzsoy, R. The Impact of Lot-Sizing in Multiple Product Environments with Congestion. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33(3), 436-444.
- Balcik, B., Ak, D. “Supplier selection for framework agreements in humanitarian relief”, Production and Operations Management, 23(6), 1028-1041.
- Balcik, B., Iravani, S., Smilowitz, K. “Multi-vehicle sequential resource allocation for a nonprofit distribution system”, IIE Transactions, 46, 1279–1297.
- Ekici, A., Keskinocak, P., Swann, J.L. “Modeling influenza pandemic and planning food distribution”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(1), 11-27.
- Poursaeidi, M. H., Kundakcioglu O. E. ”Robust support vector machines for multiple instance classification”, Annals of Operations Research, 216(1), 205–227.
- Özener, O. Ö., R. Güllü, N. Erkip. Near-optimal Modified Base Stock Policies for the Capacitated Inventory Problem with Stochastic Demand and Fixed Cost. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(3).
- Duran, S., O. Ö. Özener, E. Yakıcı. League scheduling and game bundling in sports industry. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 74(1): 92-101
- Yakıcı, E., O. Ö. Özener, S. Duran. Selection of Event Tickets for Bundling in Sports and Entertainment Industry. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 74(1): 257-269.
- Özener, O. Ö. Developing a Collaborative Planning Framework for Sustainable Transportation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-14,
- Huang, M., Smilowitz, K., Balcik, B.”A continuous approximation approach for assessment routing in disaster relief”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 50, 20-41.
- Özener, O. Ö., Ö. Ergun, M. Savelsbergh. Allocating Cost of Service to Customers in Inventory Routing. Operations Research, 61(1): 112-125
- Yanıkoğlu, İ., den Hertog. “Safe Approximations of Ambiguous Chance Constraints Using Historical Data”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 24(4), 666-681
- Ekici, A., Retharekar, A. “Multiple agents maximum collection problem with time dependent rewards”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 64(4), 1009-1018.
- Ekici, A. ”An improved model for supplier selection under capacity constraint and multiple criteria”, International Journal of Production Economics, 141(2), 574-581.
- Mobasher, A., Ekici, A. ”Solution approaches for the cutting stock problem with setup cost”, Computers & Operations Research, 40(1), 225-235.
- Kayış, E., Erhun, F., Plambeck E. L. “Delegation vs. Control of Component Procurement under Asymmetric Information and Simple Contracts”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,15(1), 4556.
- Alkaya, A. F., Duman, E. “An Application of the Sequence Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem in Printed Circuit Board Assembly”, Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol.3, Issue 6, pp. 1063-1076.
- Sahin, Y., Bulkan, S., Duman, E. “A cost-sensitive decision tree approach for fraud detection”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, issue 15, pp. 5916-5923.
- Ceranoglu, A. N., Duman, E. “VRP12 (Vehicle routing problem with distances one and two) with side constraints”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 144, issue.2, pp. 461-467.
- Coban, E., Hooker, J.N. “Single-Facility Scheduling over Long Time Horizons by Logic-based Benders Decomposition”, Annals of Operations Research, 210(1), 245-272.
- Huang, M., Smilowitz, K., Balcik, B. ”Models for relief routing: Equity, Efficiency, and Efficacy”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48(1), 2-18.
- Van den Heuvel, W., Kundakcioglu, O. E., Geunes, J., Romeijn, H. E., Sharkey, T., Wagelmans, A. P. M. “Integrated market selection and production planning: Complexity and solution approaches”, Mathematical Programming, 134(2), 395–424.
- Duman, E., Uysal, M., Alkaya, " A.F. “Migrating Birds Optimization: A new metaheuristic approach and its performance on quadratic assignment problem", Information Sciences, vol 217, pp. 65-77.
- Duman, E., Ekinci, Y., Tanriverdi, A. "Comparing alternative classifiers for database marketing: the case of imbalanced datasets", Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, pp. 48-53.
- Özener, O. Ö., Ö. Ergun, M. Savelsbergh. Lane Exchange Mechanisms for Truckload Carrier Collaboration. Transportation Science, 45(1): 1-17
- Pyrgiotakis, G., Kundakcioglu, O. E., Pardalos, P. M., Moudgil, B. M. “Raman spectroscopy and support vector machines for quick toxicological evaluation of Titania nanoparticles”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(6), 1222–1231.
- Gunnec, D., Salman, F. S. “Assessing the reliability and the expected performance of a network under disaster risk”, OR Spectrum, 33(3), 499-523.
- Duman, E., Ozcelik, M. H. "Detecting credit card fraud by genetic algorithm and scatter search", Expert Systems with Applications, vol.38, pp. 13057-13063.
- Balcik, B., Beamon, B., Krejci, C., Muramatsu, K., Ramirez, M. “Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: Practices, challenges and opportunities”, International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), 22-34
- Kundakcioglu, O. E., Seref, O., Pardalos, P. M. “Multiple instance learning via margin maximization”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60(4), 358–369.
- Peeta, S., Salman, F. S., Gunnec, D., Viswanath, K.”Pre-disaster investment decisions for strengthening a highway network”, Computers & Operations Research, 37(10), 1708–1719.
- Ekici, A., Ergun, O., Keskinocak, P., Lagoudakis, M.G. “Optimal job splitting on a multi-slot machine with applications in the printing industry”, Naval Research Logistics, 57(3), 237-251.
- Alkaya, A. F., Duman, E. “A New Generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem”, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 162-175.